Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day

Dragon Dens April 24

Summary : Mark your calendars so students don\'t miss Dragon Dens from 1:15 - 2:10 p.m.

Dragon Dens Calendar Dates

Dragon Dens are from 1:15 – 2:10 p.m. Our preschoolers will also participate in Dragon Dens by reading the book and completing the activity within their respective classrooms. Below are the dates for Dragon Dens this school year. Students may be disappointed if they miss Dragon Dens, so pencil in these dates and schedule any necessary appointments around them.

  • April 24
  • May 29

Dragon Dens Oct. 24 Recap

The All-Together Quilt book cover by Lizzy Rockwell with quilt and children and adults on the front with a quilt.

Yesterday was our first Dragon Den meeting of the school year! We read a book called the All-Together Quilt and talked about how important it is that we work together to achieve a collective goal. Our individuality is vital to our community, and one cannot exist without the other. Each den designed a “quilt square” self-portrait that we will be patching together and putting on display for everyone to see.

Each of our voices and experiences come together to represent what makes our B.F. Day community so special. The older students really enjoyed the opportunity to be leaders to our younger learners. All in all, it was a successful first Dragon Den! Many thanks to our fearless teacher leaders that serve on the school’s Dragon Den committee!

Dragon Dens School-wide Event

Dragon Dens are a school-wide event. Students in grades K-5 are placed into multi-grade “dens” with a “den leaders.” Den leaders are school staff, like school leaders, teachers, librarian, counselor, and support staff. 

Each Dragon Den reads the same picture book aloud and completes a correlating activity based on the theme of the book. We also have snacks! Themes may include topics like inclusion, empathy, or kindness. Dragon Dens allow our students to make peer connections across campus, get to know another familiar adult on campus, and discover a sense of community within our school.

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