PTSA Food Drive Thank You!
Summary : Donate to support FamilyWorks Wallingford.

B.F. Day PTSA Food Drive
Our 2025 FamilyWorks Food Drive
We will be running a food drive to support FamilyWorks Wallingford Food Bank the week of January 27! FamilyWorks is dedicated to providing fresh, healthy food to people and families in our community who are experiencing hunger or are in danger of experiencing hunger. FamilyWorks supports the B.F. Day community with weekend food bags for many of our families. Classrooms with at least 70% participation will receive a Super Dragon Scale worth 25 Dragon Scales! Let’s beat our record of 1500 lbs of food donated by B.F. Day families! If you would like to participate, please plan to send non-perishable food items to school with your child the week of January 27 – 31.
The most needed items are:
- Canned chili
- Canned soup (ready to go, not condensed)
- Pasta
- Rice
- Mac and Cheese (boxed or cupped)
- Cereal
- Canned fruit
If you would like to make a financial donation, please visit Family Works Seattle. Visit the B.F. Day PTSA website to learn more about the B.F. Day PTSA events and opportunities.