Start of School Forms: First Day Packets Information
Summary : B.F. Day First Day Packet Information.

Welcome B.F. Day Families!
Information for the School Year 24-25
Please refer to this page to submit all start of school paperwork for essential information regarding Verification form, FERPA, Free & Reduced Lunch, and new program for making payments for lunch service.
First Day Packets
Please complete your child’s first day paperwork. Below is the link to the flyers and forms that should be downloaded (translations available) and printed by families for the required Start of School Forms for the 2024-25 school year.
Please complete and return the forms as soon as possible but by September 30, 2024. It’s imperative for student safety that our students’ documents are updated for start of school.
Necessary Forms to Complete and Return
- Pre-K8 FERPA – Sign and return (link below). If not returned automatic Opt-In on Oct 1, 2024.
- Student Data Verification Form – Be sure we have your most up-to-date information. The online form included Emergency Contacts, Release Info, and Student Health updates. Complete via The Source Sept 4 -30, 2024.
- Other if applicable forms on the district list below.
Packets and paper copies are available for families to pick up in the office.

Student Data Verification Form Information
The Student Data Verification Form is available for parents or guardians to confirm and update online through The Source September 4 – 30, 2024.
Families are strongly encouraged to take this opportunity to make any updates to your student’s information here. An important factor to consider when signing on, is the parent’s email must match what is listed in PowerSchool.
If you’re having difficulty logging into the Source, check which email you are logging in with. If you are uncertain which email is in the system, you can call the office and we can look it up. The window to make these changes online ends on September 30, 2024.
If you have any questions, please email Sonja Haas;
School Meals 24-25
Paying Online
Student meals can be paid for with a credit card online at MySchoolBucks, effective August 7, 2024. Balances have been moved over from PayPams.
MySchoolBucks requires the Student’s ID number to create an account. The Student ID number can be found on report cards or by accessing The Source.
MySchoolBucks charges users a $2.75 fee for credit/debit card meal payments and $2.49 for electronic check meal payments for a maximum payment limit of $200. The fee will not be applied multiple times within the same transaction when a parent is paying for multiple students. This will allow families of two or more students to make payments up to $400 in one transaction (or even $600 dollars if they have 3 students).
District Forms and Information
Back to School 2024-25
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) welcomes our students, staff, and families back to school!
Opportunity begins here! The start of the school year is a time of fresh beginnings and renewed energy. From our youngest scholars to the senior class, our goal is to help all students explore their possibilities in learning spaces where they feel safe, seen, and heard.
School leaders, teachers, and staff are busily preparing to welcome students back to school on Wednesday, Sept. 4.
Get the 2024-25 school year off to a great start by being prepared with the information you need!
- 1st-12th grade students Wednesday, Sept. 4
- Preschool and kindergarten students Monday, Sept. 9
The first day of school is not an early release Wednesday. Early release will occur every Wednesday except for the first week of school.
Find all school year dates, school day start and end times, and more!Laptop Distribution and Device Policy Updates
To support classroom learning, testing, and the possibility of remote learning, every student will be issued an SPS device. We’re pleased to announce that, once again, SPS will not be collecting an upfront fee for repairs on student devices this year.
Starting this year, only SPS-provided devices will be allowed in the classroom. Personal devices may still be used outside of classroom learning.
Each school will inform families and students of their specific laptop distribution schedule.
If you still have a hotspot from the previous school year or from summer school, these hotspots will soon be disabled. Read more updates about SPS student devices for the new school year.
Payments and Student Fees
Families can use SchoolPay to make online payments for athletic fees, pay fines, and make purchases such as yearbooks or ASB cards. Log in to your Source account to access your student’s SchoolPay account.
SchoolPay Transaction Fee: Starting Thursday, Aug. 29, SPS will introduce a transaction fee for all payments made through SchoolPay. This fee helps offset the costs of providing this simple online payment service. Learn more about this change.
High School Athletics: This school year, SPS is introducing a new voluntary fee for high school sports to help cover rising costs like transportation and officials.
The voluntary fee is $200 per student per sport, with a maximum of $400 per year for multi-sport participation. Students can still participate in sports even if families choose not to pay. Learn more about the new voluntary athletic fees for high school sports.
Health Services
Ensure a healthy start to the school year by reviewing the district’s health services reminders for the start of school. If your student has a life-threatening health condition (e.g., Diabetes, Asthma), they must have medication and healthcare orders on file.
If you received a letter from Health Services about vaccines your student needs for school, please make sure they receive the immunization. Read more about immunizations required for students.
Student Meals
Every day, SPS offers a nutritionally balanced breakfast and lunch for our students! We are excited to announce several updates to our school meal program for the 2024-25 school year!
New Tools: This year, we’re introducing MySchoolApps, an easy online application for free and reduced meals, and MySchoolBucks, a convenient platform for paying for school meals online. MealViewer gives families access to school menus and nutritional information at their fingertips. Read more about school meals for students and each of these new tools.
Your Role in School Safety
SPS is committed to enhancing safety and well-being in our schools. As part of that commitment, we’re expanding partnerships to prevent violence and continuing vital health services.
Keeping students safe takes all of us—students, families, staff, and community partners. Here are a few reminders that will help ensure the new school year gets off to a safe start:
- Keep your contact information updated to receive emergency notifications via phone, email, and text. You can update your emergency contacts on the Student Data Verification form starting in September.
- Report any safety concerns through the Safe Schools Hotline (206-252-0510) or the “Seattle Public Schools” app.
- All school visitors and volunteers should check in at the front office.
Read more about safety and wellness updates for this school year.
Back to School Checklist
Please click the following sections below for general back-to-school information provided by the district. Additionally, please check with your student’s school for specific information.