Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day

PTSA Direct Drive Fundraiser Results: Thank You!

Summary : PTSA Direct Drive Fundraiser to support B.F. Day Elementary.

PTSA Fundraiser: Oct. 18 – Nov. 1

Direct Drive Notes & Updates from the PTSA

Direct Drive Results!


A very big thank you to everyone for coming together in support of B.F. Day. 339 golden envelopes were returned – that’s 86% – higher than ever before! Four classes had 100% participation, with every student returning their golden envelope! Kudos to Ms. Berlin’s kindergarten, Ms. Oaklander’s 1st grade, Ms. Steel’s 1st grade, and Ms. Tetrick’s 3rd grade! More than $210,000 has been pledged to fund staffing, school events and academic enrichment. 

That’s more than our Direct Drive goal, and it goes a loooooong way towards our overall planned PTSA expenses of $262,000 for this school year. Every dollar donated added to that total – when we work together, and everyone does what they can, we can do amazing things! If you’re eligible for corporate matching, please remember to do your submissions. If you have any questions about your donation or the Direct Drive, please reach out to Jahna at

And, yes, Mr. Luke will be shaving his head!!

Direct Drive Update

Envelopes Returned = 237 envelopes
Participation Rate = 59% towards our goal of 80%
Funds Raised = $89,097 towards our goal of $175,000!

The Direct Drive officially ends Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 but we’ll continue to collect envelopes next week, because we still have a long way to go towards our participation and fundraising goals. Stay tuned to see if Mr. Luke will get his head shaved!

A note from the PTSA Fundraising Chair

Dear B.F. Day Community,

I agreed to help with PTSA Fundraising because I have seen first-hand the dedication of the teachers and staff to helping every student succeed AND because the supplemental funds are truly needed to help fund staffing and academic and social enrichment. I value the extra art, music, and library books – things that I wished for as a child growing up in a school without resources. And my Fourth Grader and First Grader love Dragon Dens, Village Day, all the activities that we call socioemotional learning, and they call “fun.”

My family has chosen to make supporting BF Day students and staff our philanthropic priority. Obviously, that would mean so much more if our last name was Gates or Scott, but if everyone does what they can, we’ll hit our goal together. Plus, frankly, I appreciate that this is the only direct ask and we’re not selling candy bars or magazines or poinsettias or cookie dough or…

Please consider making a donation that is meaningful to your family and return your student’s golden direct drive envelope, and don’t hesitate to reach out to with questions. Together, we’ve got this! In solidarity, Jahna Hildebrandt

Complete budget info and not too late too late to donate at

It’s the close of the first week of the Direct Drive and we need your help! Please return your child’s golden envelope as soon as possible so we can reach our participation and fundraising goals. We’re raising funds to help bridge the gap between state funding and the essential needs of our school, a gap that grows every year.

Where do the funds go?

  • Keeping the school counselor as full time
  • Keeping a .6 intervention teacher
  • School events and social enrichment: Jump Start for kindergarteners, Dragon Dens, Village Day, field trip scholarships, etc.
  • Mr. Taylor’s fund: resources to reach all students and support families furthest from educational justice.
  • Academic enrichment: special reading and writing curriculum, art room supplies, guest musical artists and curriculum, library books.
  • Professional development for teachers and staff
  • Holiday gifts and teacher appreciation week (There will NOT be another ask for holiday gifts).

And, thank you to everyone who has already sent in their envelopes! If you have questions about donations or the Direct Drive, please reach out to Jahna Hildebrandt (mom to a first and fourth grader and B.F. Day PTSA Fundraising Chair) at

As an added incentive to return EVERY Golden Envelope, Mr. Luke, one of our amazing Instructional Assistants, has agreed to let Mr. Taylor shave his head, if we reach 100% participation!

Kick Off School Assembly

At our school assembly, we kicked off the annual PTSA Direct Drive, our biggest fundraiser and our only direct ask for the year. (We are still planning some fun events in spring, but there will not be a separate request for staff holiday gifts and appreciation – that has been rolled into the overall PTSA budget.)  Please check your student’s backpack for a golden envelope that contains a letter with more information and a pledge card. We ask that each family consider giving an amount that is meaningful to them, whatever that amount might be – because together, we can do amazing things! 

The state and district funding that we receive is insufficient to meet the needs of our students and our school. So, the PTSA fundraises to help pay for school staff, classroom supplies, staff appreciation, and academic and social enrichment. The need for the 2024-2025 school year is $261,560, the equivalent of $659 per student. We recognize that each family’s situation is different, so our focus is on participation – each student returning a gold envelope. Please send the golden envelope back to school with your child by Friday, 11/1. You can also drop it off at the school office. Each classroom that has at least 80% of their envelopes returned will get $300 to spend on their classroom library and materials!

More info about the direct drive is at Thank you in advance for your participation and support! If you have questions, concerns, feedback for future Direct Drives, or you’d be interested in learning more about joining the fundraising committee, please email Jahna H. at

About the B.F. Day PTSA

The B.F. Day PTSA is made up of volunteers from the B.F. Day Family, including parents, teachers, administrators, community leaders, volunteers, and friends of BF Day. We work for the success of each student learner by supporting their educational, social and emotional journey through various programs, and fundraising to meet the financial needs of these programs.

  • Fund and support hiring of much needed staff, like counselor and support teachers
  • Fund and support targeted social support programs for families of our students
  • Organize and support the after school enrichment program
  • Fund and support the Jumpstart program for Kindergarten

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