Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day

Ordering Photos

Summary : Picture Ordering Information.

Picture Retake Day Was Nov. 4

Picture retake day was Mon, Nov. 4. If your student was absent, or you would like them to have their picture retaken, this is their chance. Any student that was marked absent on the original picture day will automatically be scheduled to have their picture taken. However, if you are opting for your student to have their picture retaken, please alert the office so we can add them to the list of students to schedule. 

This is also a good time for any frequent volunteers to get a badge made. Please let us know if you plan to come in.

Missed Ordering Photos?

If, by chance, you missed ordering pictures, here is the direct link to order photos from this school year. Images are password protected by an online code, which is the student’s SPS ID number. Below is the direct link to access via Yuen Lui’s website. If you are unsure of your student’s SPS ID number, you can find that on their Source account, or we can help you with that in the office.

Here is the link to order portraits at any time throughout the year:

Online Code = SPS Student ID #

Orders are individually printed, packaged, and shipped directly to families’ homes in 10-14 business days after the order is placed; digital orders are sent via email. Yuen Lui website: keyword: BF Day (online code= student’s SPS ID number)

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