Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day
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B.F. Day Elementary PTSA

The B.F. Day Elementary School PTSA is an active fund-raising and morale-building coalition composed of B.F. Day staff members and parents, legal guardians and students.

Check list with pencil
B.F. Day Elementary School & the PTSA Information

We hope this resource helps you get your calendar plan and feel ready for the weeks and months ahead.

Quick Guide to 24-25 School Year

PTSA General Membership Meetings

The PTSA hosts three general membership meetings per school year. We encourage all families to attend and participate in these meetings.

PTSA Meetings

PTSA Fundraising Overview

  • October 18 – November 1: Direct Drive
  • February 28: Family Movie Night Fundraiser 7 – 8 p.m. Ballard VFW
  • March 22, 2025: School Auction
  • April 25: Move-a-Thon

In Person Family Events Overview

Save the dates! Mark your calendars for the return of some of our favorite B.F. Day events.

  • May 22: Art Fest 5 – 7 p.m.
  • June 12: Field Day
  • June 16: Village Day

PTSA Executive Board Vacancies

Can Your Help?

PTSA Executive Board Vacancies

  • Advocacy Chair
  • Equity Chair
  • Special Education Chair 

Please email if you’re able to Chair or Co-Chair. We especially need a superhero volunteer to take on Fundraising Chair. Thank you for considering!

Get Involved in B.F. Day Advocacy 

This year the PTSA endeavors to establish a stronger network for Advocacy at B.F. Day. There are 3 areas that we have identified for recruitment; Community Engagement, Legislative Liaison and Special Education Liaison. Having representation on these committees will allow us to work together to foster inclusivity, educate our families and bridge some gaps in our support system. Raising your hand to get involved means that you care deeply and are available to help create the infrastructure for B.F. Day to move toward a more socially responsible and actively engaged community. Individual volunteers would be committing to work with all advocacy committees to ensure support for individual and group endeavors so no one is left to do this work alone. Please reach out to Laura Prudhomme – if you are interested in hearing more about this work.

Volunteer at B.F. Day


The staff at B.F. Day considers parents, guardians and community volunteers to be very special resources. Parents, guardians and others are encouraged to help in all classrooms, programs, and extracurricular activities. If you have time and skills you can donate, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at or call the school office at 206-252-6010. Visit our PTSA Volunteer page for more details and ways to support your B.F. Day School community.

PTSA Annual Fall Direct Drive
Fundraiser Overview November

B.F. Day PTSA’s Annual Direct Drive Fundraiser. This fundraiser is the only direct appeal to the parents for contributions to the PTSA to fund the efforts into fulfilling its mission around “enabling the success of each student learner.” This includes supporting hiring of much needed staff, like counselor and support teachers, grants to support teacher enrichment programs and materials, as well as some targeted social support programs for families of our students.

Important! Your child’s take-home folder should have a golden envelope that contains the Direct Drive flyer and a pledge card. Please take time to read it. The 2023-2024 budget goal for Direct Drive will be posted soon. The goal for this year is 75% all school participation where participation is just returning the pledge card. So, make sure you fill out and return the pledge card (the flyer is yours to keep). If a class reaches 70% participation it helps your child’s class receive money for new books!

Thank you for being such an engaged community!

We will share more specifics about the Direct Drive in the B.F. Day Dayette!

Some fun facts around Direct Drive…

  1. Direct Drive usually accounts for greater than two-thirds of PTSA’s revenue.
  2. About one-third of the Direct Drive collections come through employers’ matching programs. So, if your employer matches your giving, be sure to take advantage of it to amplify your contribution.
  3. While we have a goal for raising money, the focus is always around hitting participation targets for the whole school. One of the more ambitious goals for every year is 75% all school participation where participation is measured by just the return of the pledge cards. We have managed to cross 70% the last few years, and we’re hoping we can meet the 75% threshold this year!

Wide-Ranging impacts of PTSA Support in Previous Years

  • Academic Support
    • During the 21- 22 school year, 43 students in K – 2nd grade met in small reading groups 3-5 times per week, instructed by a support teacher partially funded by PTSA. Within 3 months, 37% of targeted students had either met or nearly met grade-level standards in reading. Exiting Kindergarteners within this group, (now first graders), showed tremendous growth; 60% of them tested above grade level on the beginning of the year assessments in 22-23.
  • Social-Emotional Support
    • The PTSA continues to fund .5 of our school counselor’s position, allowing Mr. Taylor to be a full-time counselor at B.F. Day. Mr. Taylor was a finalist for the 2021-2022 Seattle Public School’s School Counselor of the Year.
    • Outcomes from a full-time school counselor include:
      • All students were supported through a comprehensive school counseling program in the 21-22 school year.
  • Supporting families in need
    • Coordinated monetary and clothing support for 20 families, totaling approximately $ 5,000 for families furthest from educational justice.
    • Conducted 32 home visits to support families in need. 
  • Classroom Lessons
    • 62 classroom lessons on subjects including, but not limited to, empathy, problem solving, anti-bullying, mindfulness and academic anxiety. Each classroom received at least three lessons.
  • Small Group & 1:1 Counseling
    • 71 students served through weekly small group sessions (6-8 weeks)
    • 149 students served through weekly one on one sessions (6-8 weeks)
    • 86 students served through unplanned, walk-in counseling support
      • Topics included: anxiety, family separation, depression, academic confidence, emotion regulation, and social skills.
  • Family Support
    • The PTSA funds a “Families in Need” program to provide clothing and monetary support for 20+ families. B.F. Day PTSA also contributed to a PTSA equity fund to ensure that PTSAs across the region can meet their needs.

B.F. Day PTSA Support

The B. F. Day PTSA is our major source for fundraising. Please visit the B.F. Day PTSA website link below to give directly to support B. F. Day students.

B.F. Day PTSA Membership

Be part of B.F. Day PTSA membership!
Some of the benefits:
1. Show support to students, teachers and school.
2. Be an advocate of your student and school.
3. It makes you an official member of our own PTSA.
4. Help fund the WA State PTSA so they can advocate for all of us. It’s a paid membership, $15 for individuals and $25 for family.

Please visit the B.F. Day PTSA website to learn more about our PTSA and how to get involved and connected. Become a member today!