Playground Expectations
General Playground Expectations
Playground Supervision Team!
At long last, we are fully staffed with an amazing playground & lunch supervision team! Woot!

The infamous Carrie Bauer, Richard Burris, Luke Kennedy, Laura Pace.
Now that we have 4, there will be 3 on the playground and one in the Cafeteria. They’ll be taking turns being outside or in (except Carrie of course, no way she’s coming inside!)
Playground Gates
Please note that the playground gates are locked between 8:05 a.m. and 8:10 a.m. daily. This includes the gate leading to the steps to Fremont Ave N. We do this to secure the area for the pre-school program that uses the playground at 8:15 a.m. We apologize for any inconvenience!
Student Expectations
- Students play in designated areas.
- Football games are catch only! No touch.
- Soccer-no tackling.
- When bell rings, all students line up immediately, even if you are in the middle of a play.
- Students must ask permission to use the bathroom. Students enter through the north door nearest the upper. Check back in with same teacher/supervisor when returning to the playground.
- Students may not go back in the classrooms for equipment, jackets, etc.
Big Toys

- Feet first down the slides one at a time.
- Keep hands to self always ? especially on the climber.
- Climb down safely from the rope.
- One way only on hand over hand bars. Never Skip More than One Bar! This is not allowed at B. F. Day – ever.
- Take turns (30 seconds on spinner) Line up on dot. Children in line can count out (slowly) the 30 seconds. No more than two kids on the spinner at a time. No one may push anyone on the spinner ? spinner is self-propelled by spinner (core strength) Student?s choice to be alone or together. You may stay on spinner if no one is in line.
- Share the top of the rope.
- No climbing on top of other structure parts.
- If rules for lower big toy are not followed student will be told not to use lower climber for rest of day. If child cannot follow rules for two days they may only use upper big toy for the week.
Boulders and Logs
- Rocks & logs are primarily on our grounds for sitting, reading, watching, contemplation, etc.
- Jumping safely from cement to the logs/rocks or visa-versa is ok.
- Jumping from rock to rock, log to log, safely, is ok.