School Nurse
B.F. Day School Nurse

My name is Annette Cologna, and I am your Nurse for B.F. Day. A little about me: I went to University of Washington School of Nursing and graduated in 2000. After graduation, I worked in many states as a hospital nurse in different settings, specializing in caring for the heart and lungs. I have worked at Ballard High School and Hamilton International Middle, and B.F. Day Elementary for the past 9 plus years. I am confident I can care for your child’s ills, injuries, and health needs. More about me: I am fun, kind, and have a big heart. I live close by in Ballard and love the community I live in. I am happy to be your school nurse for the year of 2024-25!
B.F. Day Announcements
From Nurse Annette
January 2025: We are seeing an increase in illness and absences from school. Thank you for keeping your children home when they are sick. Please notify me if your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness, i.e., Covid, Noro Virus, Flu, Strep Throat, Pneumonia, etc. This helps us to monitor if there are specific germs circulating in our school. We will continue to adhere to infection control protocols such as cleaning of classrooms and other high touch surfaces, regular hand washing, ventilation, and monitoring/sending students home with signs and symptoms of illness. Please note that the use of hand sanitizer is not effective to get rid of Noravirus. Please use hand washing in your home. Please notify the attendance office first of your child’s absence You may also notify teachers in addition to the attendance office. Thank You
SPS COVID Protocol
SPS Covid Protocol has changed this year. Covid testing and isolation requirements have been lifted. Guidance is now based for ALL Respiratory Illnesses. In general, please keep your child(ren) home when they are sick. They may return if: They have not had a fever in 24 hours without taking fever reducing medications AND Their symptoms have significantly improved. Consider masking, sitting at distance from others, coughing in elbow, washing hands after coughing, or isolating for 5 days from symptom onset. Please refer to the district website for more details and complete information.
District Updates
Important Health Information
Immunizations Up to Date?
Washington State Law requires every student to provide proof of immunization compliance to attend school. If you received a letter from Health Services about immunizations your student needs for school, please make sure your student receives the immunization(s) listed in the letter or provide documents to indicate exemptions.
Send the immunization record to the school nurse or have your health care provider fax the record to the nurse.
Life-Threatening Health Conditions
If your student has a life-threatening health condition (Diabetes, Allergies, Seizure disorder, Asthma, etc.), the following items must be provided on or before the first day of school:
- Life-Saving Medication
- Medication Authorization forms
- Treatment Supplies
To ensure your student’s health and safety during the school day, Washington State Law requires that your student be excluded from school until these items are received by the school nurse. Please let your school nurse know if you have any barriers to providing these items so they can offer support.
See SPS Policy 3413 for more information regarding the exclusion process.
Annual Student Health Updates
Please report any health issue your child has that could impact safety and learning to the school nurse.
How to complete the Annual Student Health Update form:
- Visit The Source
- Complete a paper copy of the Annual Student Health Update form
- You may also contact the nurse directly by phone or email
Medication Form
Ask your health provider to complete the Authorization for Medications Taken at School.
- Each medication requires its own form
- Your health care provider must sign the form
- You must sign the form
This is required for ALL medications.
All medications must be in their original container and labeled with the student’s name. Prescription medication must have a pharmacy label.
Emergency medications must be in the building on or before the first day of school.
Check medication expiration dates! Try to get medications that will last the entire school year.
Flu Shots Help Save Lives!
Schedule a flu shot for your student and family members. Here’s how:
- Contact a School-Based Health Center (students only)
- Seek care from your healthcare provider
Watch for announcements for upcoming flu shot clinics.
Protection from Respiratory Illness
- Get vaccinated
- If you feel sick, stay home
- Get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms
- Wash your hands frequently
- Keep hands away from your face
Register Your Student for a School-Based Health Center
Your student can go to any School-Based Health Center within the district. Please call the clinic to make an appointment.