Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day

School Supplies Donation Details for Families

Summary: No School Supply List - Consider Donation.

School Year 2024-25 Information

It’s the “B.F. Day Way” that we buy our school supplies in bulk. Ms. Sonja leads this effort with our teachers. Buying supplies in bulk saves money and every teacher gets what they need. Supplies are consistent, and every student’s needs are met. In lieu of bringing in supplies for the start of school, we ask families for a monetary donation to cover the cost of their child’s school supplies.

This year we are requesting a $40-60 donation per student. We need to fundraise $20,000 from supplies donations to cover the expected costs of supplies for the year (paper, pencils, markers, crayons, glue, paint, etc.). Thank you for donating what you can! All donated money is deposited directly into our school budget.

Please use our direct SchoolPay link to make your supplies donation for your child. Please be sure to enter your student’s name in the requested field.

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