Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day

Sun Dragons’ Dayette News: Science Fair April 3

Summary : Read All About It in the Dayette.

B.F. Day Newsletter March 21, 2025

What’s Coming Up?

  • March is Women’s History Month
  • March 28: School Wide Assembly
  • April 2: Instructional Assistant Appreciation Day
  • April 3: Science Fair 5 – 6:30 p.m.
  • April 4: Librarian Appreciation Day
  • April 7: Trimester 2 progress reports live on the Source
  • April 8: Class Picture Day
  • April 14-18: Spring Break, No School
  • April 23: Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day
    • Thank you Ms. Sonja and Ms. Brenna!
  • April 24 Dragon Dens 1:15 – 2:10
  • April 24 Parent Night in the library 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
    • Focus: restorative practices and social-emotional learning
  • April 25: schoolwide assembly at 8:00 a.m. — 3rd grade showcase
  • May 2: Move-a-Thon (new date)
    • 8:10 – 8:50 Preschool
    • 8:55 – 9:35 Kindergarten
    • 9:40 – 10:20 Fifth Grade
    • 10:25 – 11:05 Third Grade
    • 11:10 – 11:50 Second Grade
    • 11:55 – 12:35 Fourth Grade
    • 1:15 – 1:55 First Grade
  • May 5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • Grades 3-5 SBA Schedule
    • May 9 (Grade 5 only) WCAS
    • May 12-13 ELA CAT (computer adaptive test)
    • May 15-16 ELA PT (performance task)
    • May 19-20 Math CAT
    • May 21-22 Math PT
    • May 27-30 makeups (as needed)
  • May 22: Art Fest 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
  • May 26: Memorial Day, no school
  • May 29: PTSA general membership 8:00 p.m. on Google Meet

Boy’s Bathroom on the Third Floor

Parents: If you have a third – fifth grade student that uses the boy’s restroom on the third floor, we very much appreciate a quick check in with them about respectful bathroom usage. We’ve seen an uptick in bathroom graffiti and vandalism (intentionally clogged urinals). This poses a challenge for our custodian and can lead to bathroom closures. Recently, we’ve had to close down a part of the boy’s bathroom upstairs while we wait on a plumber to assist in unclogging a urinal. Thank you for checking in with your Sun Dragon about showing the B.F. Day Way in the bathrooms at school! We appreciate it.

Science Fair Update! April 3

Science Fair Posters on Tables. Text: Bouncing Balls, Skittles Color Sciece

We are so excited about all the creative and hard-working thinkers preparing for this year’s science fair! If you are participating, you should start on your project. Consistently working on the experiment(s) or project over time usually leads to less stress in the end (for all involved!).As a reminder, our evening Science Fair event will take place on Thursday, April 3 from 5:30-7:00 p.m. In most cases, students will have a chance to share their projects in class the day of the event, so plan on bringing them to school in the morning, or even earlier in the week! For all you Science Fair newbies…. here’s a few presentation examples. If you need help with securing posterboard, please ask in the office. Additional questions can be sent to Mrs. P. at


We are looking for volunteers for the Move-a-Thon, a beloved annual tradition that the whole school participates in. It’s also a key fundraiser for the PTSA. You do not need to be available on the day to participate in the committee. Email to get involved.

Save the date for the Move-a-Thon May 2

The Move-a-Thon will be held on Friday, May 2. Save the date (new date)! These are the grade level times for participation. Parents are welcome to volunteer for the event with the PTSA and of course come out and cheer on their student! More details to come on fundraising logistics. Save the date/time in your calendar!

  • 8:10 – 8:50 Preschool
  • 8:55 – 9:35 Kindergarten
  • 9:40 – 10:20 Fifth Grade
  • 10:25 – 11:05 Third Grade
  • 11:10 – 11:50 Second Grade
  • 11:55 – 12:35 Fourth Grade
  • 1:15 – 1:55 First Grade

Go Sun Dragons!

After-School Enrichment Spring Registration Open

Registration will close on March 29 at noon. Classes will begin on Monday, March 31. Class details and descriptions can be found on Search “BF Day” in the upper left search bar. Limited PTSA and vendor-provided scholarships are available. Questions? Comments? Need financial assistance? Email

Library News

Congratulations to B.F. Day’s Global Reading Challenge team who represented us at the Semi-Finals on Thursday! The members of The Blue Sky Books (Ava, Aya, Brianna, Isla, Michael, Nadia, and Rylan) should be so proud of their second-place finish, the best in many years for B. F. Day!In other news, we have some kiddos with quite a few checked out books on their accounts. Please help your child to round up and return them so other students may enjoy them this spring!

Updates from the Art Room

Wall of colorful Art images in the hallway.

The month of March has been dedicated to Women’s HerStory Month. Students have explored shape, line, color, variety, pattern and value in all of these amazing works of art! We learned about the lives of Jenn Stark, Yoyoi Kusama, Georgia O’Keefe and Heather Galler so far. Here are a few pictures of their incredible work! ~Mrs. Hall

Family Assistance Opportunity for Local Summer Camps

Want to go to summer camp? Apply for a Summer Enrichment Scholarship to help you get there!

  • Maximum scholarship awarded will be $500
  • All camps/programs will be considered, with the exception of those with religious affiliation
  • Must currently be in grades 4-11 in a Seattle school to apply
  • Applications must be postmarked (or emailed) by May 2, 2025

If interested, please contact: You can also find an application on our website as well as what programs are offered.

School Year 24-25

B.F. Day At A Glance Calendar

Appreciation Days

  • October 2: Custodian Appreciation Day
  • October 27: Occupational Therapist Appreciation Day
  • November 4-8: National School Psychologist Week
  • November 11-15: World Kindness Week
  • December 2: National Special Education Day
  • February 3-7: National School Counseling Week/“Career Week”
  • April 2: Instructional Assistant Appreciation Day
  • April 4: National School Librarian Day
  • April 23: Administrative Assistant Appreciation Day
  • May 1: School Leader DayMay 2 National School Lunch Hero Day
  • May 5-9: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 6: National Teacher Appreciation Day
  • May 7: School Nurse Appreciation Day
  • May 18: National Speech-Language Pathologist Appreciation Day

Assessment Calendar

  • September 16-27, 2024: DIBELS for Grades 1-2
  • September 30 – October 18, 2024: K-5 MAP Reading & Math
  • November 15, 2024: TS GOLD Deadline for Pre-K
  • November 15, 2024: WA Kids Deadline for Kindergarten
  • November – December: Advanced Learning – Highly Capable Screener; grades 1-5
  • January 15-31, 2025: DIBELS for Grades K-2
  • January 27 – March 21, 2025: WIDA
  • January 29 – February 14, 2025: K-5 MAP Reading & Math
  • February 15, 2025: TS GOLD: Deadline for Pre-K
  • March 3 – June 6, 2025: Grades 3-5 SBA
  • April 7 – June 6, 2025: 5th Grade WCAS Science
  • May 12-30, 2025: K-5 MAP Reading & Math
  • June 2 – 13, 2025: DIBELS for Grades K-2
  • June 15, 2025: TS GOLD Deadline for Pre-K

Diversity Recognition

  • Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 – October 15
  • Disability History & Awareness Month October
  • Black History Month February
  • Women’s History Month March
  • Asian American/Pacific Islander Heritage Month May
  • LGBTQ+ Pride Month June

Dragon Dens

Thursdays 1:15 – 2:10

  • October 24
  • November 21
  • December 19
  • January 30
  • February 27
  • March 13
  • April 24

Fifth Grade Promotion

June 16 6:00 p.m. in the gym

In Person Family Events

  • September 23-26: Music Room Open House from 2:25 p.m. – 2:55 p.m. each day.
  • September 26 from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.: Curriculum Night
  • October 18: B.F. Day Flu/Covid Vaccine Clinic. From 3 – 7 p.m. Location within school.
  • November 14 from 5:30 – 7 p.m. Family Fall Festival
  • November 23 – 27: Elementary Conferences
  • December 20: Winter Wonderland
  • April 3 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.: Science Fair
  • May 22 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.: Art Fest
  • June 12: Field Day
  • June 16: Village Day

Picture Days

  • October 7: Fall Picture Day
  • November 4: Fall Re-Take Picture Day
  • April 8: Spring Class Picture Day

PTSA Meetings

  • October 28: Fall General Membership Meeting at 8 p.m. (was Oct. 23)
  • March 20: Mid-Year Membership Meeting (Budget)
  • May 29: Spring General Membership Meeting

PTSA Events

  • October 5: At 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. B.F. Day Parent’s Night Out at Fremont Mischief Distillery

PTSA Fundraising

  • October 18 – November 1: Fundraising Direct Drive
  • March 22: PTSA Spring Fling at Woodlawn Hall at 6 p.m.
  • May 2: Move-a-Thon (new date)

Principal & School Staff Mini-Series for Parents

  • October 17 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
    • Fall: Supporting Your Reader at Home in the Library
  • January 23 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
    • Winter: Supporting Your Mathematician at Home
  • April 24 from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
    • Spring: Spring Forward Social-Emotional Learning

SPS Holidays & Closure Dates

  • Oct 11: No School, Professional Development Day
  • Nov 11: No School, Veterans Day
  • Nov 25-27: No School, Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Nov 28-29: No School, Thanksgiving, Native American Heritage Day
  • Dec 20: Early Dismissal
  • Dec 23-Jan3: No School, Winter Break
  • Jan 20: No School, MLK Jr Day
  • Feb 17-21: No School, Mid-Winter Break
  • April 14-18: No School, Spring Break
  • May 26: No School Memorial Day
  • June 18: Early Dismissal Last Day of School. Grade Promotion
  • June 19: If school in session, No School Juneteenth

School Spirit Days

Themes TBD by student leadership

  • Trimester 1: Friday, October 4, 2024: Our theme this trimester is FUNKY FRIDAY!! Come to school dressed as your most colorful unique self. Think mismatched patterns, bright colors, and anything else that makes you feel funky and expressive! Show your school spirit with us!
  • November 15: Hobby Day: Dress like favorite hobby.
  • Trimester 2: February 14. 2025 Theme to be decided by student leadership
  • Trimester 3: June 6, 2025 Theme to be decided by student leadership

Schoolwide Assemblies

Fridays 8:00 – 8:30 a.m.

  • September 27
  • October 18
  • November 15
  • December 13
  • January 31
  • February 28
  • March 28
  • April 25
  • May 16
  • June 13

Trimesters & Grade Marking Deadlines

  • 9/4/24 – 12/3/24: Trimester 1
  • 12/10/24 – 12/20/24: Trimester 1 Grade Marking Deadline
    • Progress Reports Live on the Source
  • 12/4/24 – 3/19/25: Trimester 2
  • 3/26/25 – 4/7/25: Trimester 2 Grade Marking Deadline
    • Progress Reports Live on the Source
  • 3/20/25 – 6/18/25: Trimester 3
  • 6/25/25 – 7/2/25: Trimester 3 Grade Marking Deadline
    • Progress Reports Live on the Source

Previous Sun Dragons’ Dayette Resources

Neurodiversity Lending Library Next Week

March 17 – April 31 join us in honoring Neurodiversity Celebration Week & Autism Acceptance Month by borrowing a book from our temporary neurodiversity themed Little Library right outside of the front office! This is for students, their families, and staff to learn more about neurodiversity and autism. There is a casual sign out sheet, but lent books will have their owners’ names in them to help them return. Anyone who wants to add to it, contact


Bidding for Spring Fling Silent Auction items begins this Monday! Take a look at some of the exciting experiences and gift cards available: On the Silent Auction website. Keep checking back for more items to be added and find out who wins on March 22 at Spring Fling. We need a few more volunteers to make the event a success. Sign-up here if you can help out for part of the night. Yes, the Spring Fling has an 80’s Prom theme, but if that’s not for you, please come however you are comfortable! Get Your Tickets Today!

More PTSA News

Thursday, March 20 | 8 p.m. (Virtual) PTSA General Assembly Meeting Join us to review the 2025–26 budget. Sadly, our guest speaker, District 4 School Board Representative Joe Mizrahi had to cancel, but we will reschedule. More on that to come.

Hope to see a lot of you at the meeting. Your presence is valued!

Spring Fling Tickets on Sale Now! This annual community-building event, formerly known as Spring Giving/Arty Party, is a B.F. Day parent and staff favorite, with drinks, a live DJ, and live classroom art auction, with all proceeds benefiting the school. This event is 21+. 

We are looking for volunteers for the Move-a-Thon, a beloved annual tradition that the whole school participates in. It’s also a key fundraiser for the PTSA. This year the event will take place on April 25. You do not need to be available on the day to participate in the committee. Email to get involved.

B.F. Day Online Merchandise Store

The B.F. Day Online Merchandise Store will be open from March 14 – 27.

After-School Enrichment Spring Registration Opens Soon!

Enrollment for spring enrichment will open Saturday, March 22 at 8 a.m. Registration will close on March 29 at noon. Classes will begin on Monday, March 31. Class details and descriptions can be found on Search “BF Day” in the upper left search bar. Limited PTSA and vendor-provided scholarships are available. Questions? Comments? Need financial assistance? Email

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students

There is a federal CDC grant which funds all SPS district-level LGBTQ+ support for schools. That grant is currently at risk. This is a grant that SPS has applied for and received consistently for more than 30 years through the Health Education office.

This grant funds:

  • Comprehensive, culturally responsive sex education that are designed to be inclusive of all sexualities and gender identities.
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL) programming and curriculum.
  • Supports for School Based Health Centers and promoting safe and support environments.
  • LGBTQ+ Student services like Genders and Sexuality Alliances at the secondary level and Rainbow Clubs in elementary schools,
  • Dedicated LGBTQ+ Project-Program Coordinator position,
  • Staff training,
  • Curriculum development
  • Family education and community outreach.

This work can continue in SPS if 1) SPS fills the funding gap directly or 2) we find another funding source. We are hoping to get testimonials from students, staff, and families about why having district-level LGBTQ+ support matters to them. I have hard copies of postcards for people to fill out stating why these services matters to them. It would be great to have students, staff, and families fill out these post cards and return them to the office this week so we can send them to the district office. If you have more questions or want to help support, please reach out to Ms. Hogue;

Save the date for the Move-a-Thon

The Move-a-Thon will be held on Friday, May 2. Save the date! These are the grade level times for participation. Parents are welcome to volunteer for the event with the PTSA and of course come out and cheer on their student! More details to come on fundraising logistics. Save the date/time in your calendar!

  • 8:10 – 8:50 Preschool
  • 8:55 – 9:35 Kindergarten
  • 9:40 – 10:20 Fifth Grade
  • 10:25 – 11:05 Third Grade
  • 11:10 – 11:50 Second Grade
  • 11:55 – 12:35 Fourth Grade
  • 1:15 – 1:55 First Grade

Go Sun Dragons!

A Note About Attendance and Pickup Protocol from Ms. Brenna

As we approach the third trimester, I thought it would be important to touch base on a few things. Every minute of instructional time lost counts, so please, get your kids to school before 7:55! We want them here, learning, and connecting with their classmates and B.F. Day community. If you have concerns about your child’s attendance or need additional support, do not hesitate to reach out to Ms. Brenna!

Also, when you are picking your kids up early, the protocol is as follows: come into the main office, inform us of who needs to be picked up, and we will call the student(s) into the office. It’s important for us to physically see you with your student and have that visual cue. Please do not walk to their classroom and grab them without checking in with us first and getting our okay. This is a matter of safety, so thank you for your cooperatio

Pi Memorization Contest March 14

Pi Symbol

On Friday, March 14 we will hold the annual B.F. Day Pi Memorization Contest! Whoever can memorize and recite the most digits of pi will get their name engraved on a plaque. There will be a winner from pre-K to 2nd and 3rd to 5th.

Below are the first 350 digits of pi:

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436

*If you want to participate, please let your teacher know!

Nominate a B.F. Day Teacher! Nominate an Outstanding SPS Educator

Do you know an amazing educator making a difference in Seattle Public Schools? Now’s your chance to recognize their impact! The Alliance for Education is accepting nominations for three prestigious awards:

The Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence, Philip B. Swain Excellence in Education Award and Adrienne Weaver Science Teaching Award

These awards honor exceptional SPS staff who are advancing educational justice and racial equity in their schools and classrooms. Nearly $75,000 in endowed grants will be awarded!

The nomination deadline: Friday, March 14, at midnight. Winners will be announced this spring! Submit your nomination today.

Spring Enrichment Enrollment Begins March 22

Spring Enrichment Enrollment will open on the Homeroom website on March 22. Classes will begin the week of March 31st. The full spring schedule will be available soon. Thursday, March 20 | 8 p.m. (Virtual) PTSA General Assembly Meeting Join us to review the 2025–26 budget and hear from District 4 Rep. Joe Mizrahi on School Board priorities, followed by a Q&A with B.F. Day families. During the general membership meeting on March 20, 2025 active members will vote on an amendment to the PTSA standing rules for this school year. The change will allow anyone to become an active member at any point during the year. To view the change see this document refer to the posted PTSA Standing Rules in the emailed Dayette.

Attention Preschool Parents: Registration is open for kindergarten.

All preschool students moving into kindergarten for SY 25-26 need to register for kindergarten. SPP+ enrollment will not roll into kindergarten enrollment. After kindergarten, students are automatically promoted to the next grade level (you don’t need to enroll every year once your child enters kindergarten). Preschool parents, reminder that there is no school on March 20-21. Preschool teachers are hosting spring parent-teacher conferences.

Grades 3-5 Testing Schedule

Parents, Mark your calendars! We love 100% on-time attendance on Smarter Balance testing dates. Reducing the amount of makeup testing helps our school run smoothly. All students in grades 3-5 will test on the same dates.

  • May 9 (Grade 5 only) WCAS
  • May 12-13 ELA CAT (computer adaptive test)
  • May 15-16 ELA PT (performance task)
  • May 19-20 Math CAT
  • May 21-22 Math PT
  • May 27-30 makeups (as needed)

How can I support my child and our school during SBA season?

  • Mark your family calendar with the testing dates.
  • Be at school on time on testing dates. Limit absences.
  • Go to bed early the night before and eat a good breakfast in the morning.
  • Remind your child to go slowly through the assessment and try their best. It’s not a race to finish! In fact, in the past, many of our students that score proficient and above on the assessment are the ones that take their time to complete the assessment.
  • Stay positive and encourage your child. Follow a regular family routine.
  • Be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius link to help provide snacks for the assessment.

Positive Student Feedback About Career Week

For National School Counseling week (first week of Feb), we partnered with staff and community members to bring various professionals from our community into B.F. Day to share their knowledge and experiences. Students in each 4th and 5th grade classroom were visited by eight speakers in all. The purpose of Career Week was to expose our students to the variety of different skill sets associated with different professions, and how finding success within those professions requires moments of resiliency and commitment to not giving up and believing in themselves. Refer to the emailed Dayette for the complete graph.


Bidding for Spring Fling Silent Auction items begins this Monday! Take a look at some of the exciting experiences and gift cards available: On the Silent Auction website. Keep checking back for more items to be added and find out who wins on March 22 at Spring Fling. We need a few more volunteers to make the event a success. Sign-up here if you can help out for part of the night. Yes, the Spring Fling has an 80’s Prom theme, but if that’s not for you, please come however you are comfortable! Get Your Tickets Today!

More PTSA News

Thursday, March 20 | 8 p.m. (Virtual) PTSA General Assembly Meeting Join us to review the 2025–26 budget and hear from District 4 Rep. Joe Mizrahi on School Board priorities, followed by a Q&A with B.F. Day families. Mark your calendar and bring your questions!

Spring Fling Tickets on Sale Now! This annual community-building event, formerly known as Spring Giving/Arty Party, is a B.F. Day parent and staff favorite, with drinks, a live DJ, and live classroom art auction, with all proceeds benefiting the school. This event is 21+. 

We are looking for volunteers for the Move-a-Thon, a beloved annual tradition that the whole school participates in. It’s also a key fundraiser for the PTSA. This year the event will take place on April 25. You do not need to be available on the day to participate in the committee. Email to get involved.

Rainbow Club for Primary Grades

We are starting a lower-grades Rainbow Club for students grades kindergarten through
second who are part of the LGBTQI+ community or whose families are members, or allies.
All students are welcome! Ms. Berlin, Ms. Elizabeth, and Ms. Brooke are hosting. We will
meet once a month in Ms. Berlin’s classroom, Room 105, during lunch and lunch recess
time (10:25-11:05). We will do sharing, read stories, watch videos together, and plan ways
to support students in our school and beyond while the kids eat lunch together. The first
meeting will happen on March 12. It will be announced on the loudspeakers on days when
the club is happening and primary teachers will also announce.

Sun Dragons Leadership Starts up for Spring

Congratulations to the 78 4th and 5th graders who have stepped up to take on leadership roles at school! We are very proud and thankful for their leadership. Way to go Sun Dragons!

The Science Fair Is Coming!

It’s back! The annual B.F. Day Science Fair will be held Thursday, April 3! Students will receive entry applications and information from their homeroom teachers. Please return forms no later than Friday, March 7 if you would like to participate! The Science Fair is open to all students K-3, with grades 4 and 5 all participating. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a topic, practice scientific thinking, and contribute to the B.F. Day learning community! Learn more about the event by reviewing the paperwork in your student’s backpack!

Library News

We had an absolutely fantastic Global Reading Challenge competition on February 13. The
team scores were incredibly tight! We even had to have a tie-breaker! Our winning team,
The Blue Sky Books will go on to represent us March 20 at the city-wide semi-finals!
Congratulations to Ava, Aya, Brianna, Michael, Isla, Nadia, and Rylan!

Notes from the Music Rom

Fourth grade students finished their month-long residency with teaching artists from the
Rhapsody Project just before midwinter break. We had a blast playing rhythm games,
learning about layers of heritage, the blues, and some beginning ukulele chops. We will be
continuing our study of the blues in music class over the next few weeks and are preparing
something special to share with the Rhapsody Project artists at Art Fest on May 22 from
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. It’s not too early to mark your calendars – you won’t want to miss it!

Greetings from the Gym

The Basics of Bicycling unit for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders begins on March 19 and runs to April
7. This is a fantastic opportunity to practice riding and traffic safety skills, using a fleet of bikes on loan from the Cascade Bicycle Club!

Students are free to bring their own bikes as long as they have a lock to keep them safe outside the school.

Cascade provides us simple one-speed bikes with a coaster brake, which is ideal for learners. We also provide helmets, but bringing one from home is preferable, if possible. Mr. D could use a couple of volunteers for the afternoon sessions (4th and 5th grade classes). If you are free from approximately 1:00 p.m. to the end of the school day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, please send me a quick email. Thanks! Vince Delaney;

Grades 3-5, Mark Your Calendars!

The SBA is a statewide test in Washington state that measures students’ progress in English language arts (ELA) and math. In elementary school, it is only given to students in grades 3-5. It is a computer-based adaptive assessment. The state of Washington has been administering the SBA since 2015. Additionally, students in grade 5 also take the Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS).

We recognize that the SBA is just one measure of students’ progress toward academic standards. With that, our school team does take the scores seriously and uses them to reflect on our instructional practice. SBA scores are also analyzed by region and district, and we reflect on our progress as compared to other north-end elementary schools and the entire district. We are invested in our students doing well on this assessment! Our Sun Dragons are brilliant, capable students that we know will shine on the SBA. There are 188 students in grades 3-5 that will take the SBA this school year. Our school team has already begun planning for the assessment and getting our testing spaces and proctors ready. Parents, please mark your calendars with the testing dates. Please do your best to have your child at school on testing dates. The less makeup testing that needs to be coordinated, the smoother testing season goes for our entire campus. All students in grades 3-5 are tested on the same days.

What are the testing dates for this school year?

  • May 9 (Grade 5 only) WCAS
  • May 12-13 ELA CAT (computer adaptive test)
  • May 15-16 ELA PT (performance task)
  • May 19-20 Math CAT
  • May 21-22 Math PT
  • May 27-30 makeups (as needed)

How can I support my child and our school during SBA season?

  • Mark your family calendar with the testing dates.
  • Be at school on time on testing dates. Limit absences.
  • Go to bed early the night before and eat a good breakfast in the morning.
  • Remind your child to go slowly through the assessment and try their best. It’s not a race to finish! In fact, in the past, many of our students that score proficient and above on the assessment are the ones that take their time to complete the assessment.
  • Stay positive and encourage your child. Follow a regular family routine.
  • Be on the lookout for a Sign-Up Genius link to help provide snacks for the assessment.

Hello From the Art Studio!

As part of our ongoing Black History Month celebration, we are continuing to explore art that reflects the history, culture, and contributions of African Americans. This week, the entire school is focusing on printmaking, and it has been an amazing opportunity for students to not only experiment with different artistic techniques but also discuss the powerful role art plays in social justice. We have been studying printmaking as a form of expression and its connection to advocating for change. Students are engaging with themes of community, history, and empowerment, creating prints that reflect their own understanding of social justice and the world around them. They are finding inspiration from artists like Jacob Lawrence, whose dynamic cityscapes highlight the vibrancy and struggles of African American life. The work coming out of the classroom is beautiful, and it’s clear that the students are putting their hearts into their art. I’m so proud of the progress they’re making and can’t wait to see how these prints evolve over the course of the week.


Incredible news! With your generous support, we have raised $4,000 for the 5th grade NatureBridge trip that’s coming up March 12. Thank you so much! We couldn’t have done it without you.

Popcorn Fridays: Back again is the ever-popular popcorn fundraiser for 5th grade overnight field trip.Popcorn sales will happen after school March 7. Cash (1$/bag) and school pay will be accepted.

Thursday, March 20 | 8 p.m. (Virtual) PTSA General Assembly Meeting Join us to review the 2025–26 budget and hear from District 4 Rep. Joe Mizrahi on School Board priorities, followed by a Q&A with B.F. Day families. Mark your calendar and bring your questions!

Spring Fling Tickets on Sale Now! This annual community-building event, formerly known as Spring Giving/Arty Party, is a B.F. Day parent and staff favorite, with drinks, a live DJ, and live classroom art auction, with all proceeds benefiting the school. This event is 21+. 

We are looking for volunteers for the Move-a-Thon, a beloved annual tradition that the whole school participates in. It’s also a key fundraiser for the PTSA. This year the event will take place on April 25. You do not need to be available on the day to participate in the committee. Email to get involved.

Rainbow Club for Primary Grades

We are starting a lower-grades Rainbow Club for students grades kindergarten through
second who are part of the LGBTQI+ community or whose families are members, or allies.
All students are welcome! Ms. Berlin, Ms. Elizabeth, and Ms. Brooke are hosting. We will
meet once a month in Ms. Berlin’s classroom, Room 105, during lunch and lunch recess
time (10:25-11:05). We will do sharing, read stories, watch videos together, and plan ways
to support students in our school and beyond while the kids eat lunch together. The first
meeting will happen on March 12. It will be announced on the loudspeakers on days when
the club is happening and primary teachers will also announce.

Sun Dragons Leadership Starts up for Spring

Congratulations to the 78 4th and 5th graders who have stepped up to take on leadership roles at school! We are very proud and thankful for their leadership. Way to go Sun Dragons!

The Science Fair Is Coming!

It’s back! The annual B.F. Day Science Fair will be held Thursday, April 3! Students will receive entry applications and information from their homeroom teachers. Please return forms no later than Friday, March 7 if you would like to participate! The Science Fair is open to all students K-3, with grades 4 and 5 all participating. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to explore a topic, practice scientific thinking, and contribute to the B.F. Day learning community! Learn more about the event by reviewing the paperwork in your student’s backpack!

Library News

We had an absolutely fantastic Global Reading Challenge competition on February 13. The
team scores were incredibly tight! We even had to have a tie-breaker! Our winning team,
The Blue Sky Books will go on to represent us March 20 at the city-wide semi-finals!
Congratulations to Ava, Aya, Brianna, Michael, Isla, Nadia, and Rylan!

Notes from the Music Rom

Fourth grade students finished their month-long residency with teaching artists from the
Rhapsody Project just before midwinter break. We had a blast playing rhythm games,
learning about layers of heritage, the blues, and some beginning ukulele chops. We will be
continuing our study of the blues in music class over the next few weeks and are preparing
something special to share with the Rhapsody Project artists at Art Fest on May 22 from
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. It’s not too early to mark your calendars – you won’t want to miss it!

Greetings from the Gym

The Basics of Bicycling unit for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders begins on March 19 and runs to April
7. This is a fantastic opportunity to practice riding and traffic safety skills, using a fleet of bikes on loan from the Cascade Bicycle Club!

Students are free to bring their own bikes as long as they have a lock to keep them safe outside the school.

Cascade provides us simple one-speed bikes with a coaster brake, which is ideal for learners. We also provide helmets, but bringing one from home is preferable, if possible. Mr. D could use a couple of volunteers for the afternoon sessions (4th and 5th grade classes). If you are free from approximately 1:00 p.m. to the end of the school day Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, please send me a quick email. Thanks! Vince Delaney;

Planned Absences

If you have planned absences before/after mid-winter break, please be sure to email the attendance line; Copy in your classroom teacher(s).

Notes from the Music Room

Summer Music opportunity for advancing fifth grade EIM students SPS Summer Music 2025 is on and the website is up! Below is important information related to this program:

  • Dates: July 7-18, M-F only
    • Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
    • Locations: Jane Addams MS and Aki Kurose MS
    • Cost: $300 for two weeks; $150 for one week (Scholarships are available)
  • For more information about the program, plus the registration and payment process please visit Seattle Public Schools Summer Music Program 2025

Message from Mr. Taylor, School Counselor

As B.F. Day’s school counselor, my role changes each day, depending on the needs of our community. The ability to quickly adapt to changing needs remains one of the most important skills of an effective school counselor. Most of us didn’t have a school counselor in elementary school. Therefore, some of us may not be aware of typical school counselor duties. Below you will see how I allocate my time on an average week (40 Hour Week) . Refer to the chart on the emailed DayetteHome Visits, Supervision, Lesson/Program Planning, Parent Collaboration, Data Interpretation, Classroom SEL Lessons, Small Group Counseling, Teacher Collaborations, 1:1 Counseling Sessions, Responsible Student Support

It is my honor to work with such a group of dedicated staff members who genuinely and authentically care about the children they educate daily. Lastly, I wouldn’t be able to do this important work without the ongoing support of our school community. Our community has supplemented my FTE for my 9 years at B.F. Day, allowing me to be a full-time school counselor. This support allowed us to earn national recognition for our school counselor program (RAMP) last school year, the first school counseling program in Seattle Public Schools to receive this level of recognition.

With gratitude and appreciation,
Mr. Taylor, School Counselor


PTSA 2025-2026 Budget Priorities: Budgeting for the next school year will soon be underway. The PTSA board would like to hear from B.F. Day families about their other priorities. To share your input, please complete this survey before February 21. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughtfulness by letting us know what is important to you and your family for the 2025/2026 school year! *If you completed the survey last week, please answer the first question again, as that data was lost. Thank you!

Popcorn Fridays: Back again is the ever-popular popcorn fundraiser for 5th grade overnight field trip.Popcorn sales will happen after school Feb. 28, and March 7. Cash (1$/bag) and school pay will be accepted.

B.F. Day Family Movie Night Fundraiser: Join us for a fun-filled evening to support the 5th Graders! Date: Feb 28, Start Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Ballard VFW – 2812 NW Market St. $10 Suggested Donation per Ticket | Concessions will be available, so bring a little cash for snacks! Important: This is not a drop-off event, so come enjoy the movie with your family and connect with others from our “Family School”!

Spring Fling Tickets on Sale Now! This annual community-building event, formerly known as Spring Giving/Arty Party, is a B.F. Day parent and staff favorite, with drinks, a live DJ, and live classroom art auction, with all proceeds benefiting the school. This event is 21+. 

A huge thank you to everyone who donated food and funds to the FamilyWorks Food Drive last week! The B.F. Day community donated 937 lbs. of food!

Snow Day Plans

January 31, 2025: Dear B.F. Day Family, We received a communication from Seattle Public Schools that we are on inclement weather watch. This means that iPads and laptops will be sent home over the weekend in case there are possible snow day closures next week. 

In case of a snow day school closure, Seattle Public Schools moves to online learning for the day. If a snow day is called on Monday, there will be a 2-hour late start. One of the main drivers for moving to online learning is minimizing the number of days that could potentially be added to the end of the school year – meaning summer vacation would begin a few days late. 

The SPS Snow Alert Team will continue to monitor conditions and prepare to do a driving survey of SPS hilltop schools overnight to inform decision-making in the early morning. SPS and SEA believe that in-person instruction is the default and should always be the choice when conditions allow for safe in-person instruction. Final determinations will generally be made on the morning of instruction by 5 am.

The purpose of this note is to share how B.F. Day will navigate the details of moving learning online for a possible snow day. I also want to acknowledge that leaning into online learning will require some flexibility and grace, and we’ll continue to support each other as a school community.

Scholar Learning Devices: Classroom teachers (preschool – fifth grade) will send devices home today. When your child returns to campus for in-person learning, it’s imperative that they return their device. We need them in the classrooms during the school day.

How are snow days determined? SPS school operations will provide schools with a 48-hour warning/prep, 24-hour warning to plan for remote instruction, and a final decision on standard in person school day, two hour late start in person school day, or remote instruction day (first day of remote instruction is a two hour late start) will be made by 5:00 a.m.

What can I expect for online learning? Student daily schedules will mostly follow a typical school day schedule. Teachers will communicate the schedule in the coming days if a snow day is called. Activities will be joyful, fun, and collaborative. 

Teachers will send directions to ensure students know how to access Teams and See Saw on their devices. We will do our best to ensure all devices are updated and have the latest software installed, have appropriate charging cords and a case. We hope to make this process easy for families to navigate.

Final Notes: I know that disruptions to learning and school are difficult for families. The idea of moving to online learning brings up lots of big feelings, especially for adults. I feel the same! Let’s name those big emotions for ourselves and our students. We should remind ourselves this is a temporary response to a weather emergency – not a long term, indefinite plan! 

I know all our families have competing needs and priorities. As a community, B.F. Day will continue to be flexible and meet each other where we’re at. This means we trust you to make the best decision for you, your student, and your family on a snow day and in the moment. If your student finds joy in sledding down a hill and socializing with neighbors outside, please know that we also cherish childhood memories like these. We enthusiastically support our students to go outside and play. Seek out opportunities of joy for your student – they are only little once!

We will provide learning opportunities, time for collaboration, and celebration for all students. We are equally committed to ensuring no one falls behind or misses anything essential during an online learning day.We are the Family School and we’ve got this. Please be on the lookout for more detailed communication from SPS and your child’s teacher in the coming days. I wish you a wonderful weekend ahead! 

Go Sun Dragons! Best, Natalie

Average Daily Attendance Rates

If your child is not sick, please do your best to get them to school on time every day. Let’s keep working toward getting our average daily attendance rates 95% and higher in each of our grade levels! Refer to chart on the emailed Dayette on Jan. 31, 2025.

Kindergarten Registration is Here!

Do you have an incoming kindergartener for the 25-26 school year? Do you know of a friend or neighbor who is planning on registering for kindergarten at B.F. Day? Kindergarten registration is open! We encourage all families to register early. Early registration allows us to plan early for the 25-26 school year and helps us get the staff that we need to support our learners! Please note that open enrollment for school choice opens on February 1. For more information on the district Enroll My Student page.

Welcome our new Instructional Assistants to Extended Resource!

Rose Templeman

Rose Templeman: I am beyond excited to be joining the B.F. Day community. I have worked with young people in a variety of settings including as a preschool and elementary-age nanny, leading students in art and writing projects in youth detention, and supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing summer campers in Minnesota. I recently moved to Seattle and spend most of my free time exploring the city, reading, thrift shopping, and crafting. I look forward to meeting all of you!

Jenni Walker

Jenni Walker: Jenni has extensive experience in education, advocacy, and family engagement. With a love for learning, she thrives on supporting students! Outside of her professional pursuits, Jenni enjoys swimming, paddle boarding, traveling, and sharing laughter with those around her. Whether exploring new destinations or embracing life’s simple joys, she approaches everything with energy, positivity, and a love for new experiences.

What is MAP testing?

The MAP mid-year test window is open, and kindergarten – fifth grade teachers have scheduled assessment dates. Please check with your child’s teacher which date they’ll be taking the MAP assessment.

The MAP assessment is not given to preschool students.

  1. What is MAP?
    • It’s an assessment called “Measure of Academic Progress.”
  2. What is MAP and what does it measure?
    • Unlike paper-and-pencil tests, where all students are asked the same questions and spend a fixed amount of time taking the test, MAP is a computer-adaptive test. That means every student gets a unique set of test questions based on responses to previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions get harder. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions get easier. By the end of the test, most students will have answered about half the questions correctly, as is common on adaptive tests. The purpose of MAP is to help educators understand where a student is on their academic journey, if they are growing over time, and where a student’s strength and opportunity areas are. 
    • MAP tracks students’ individual growth over time, wherever they are starting from and regardless of the grade they are in.
  3. What is a RIT score?
    • When students finish their MAP Growth test, they receive a number called a RIT score for each subject they are tested in (reading and math). RIT stands for Rasch Unit, which is used to measure a student’s academic growth over the course of the student’s academic career in SPS. The score is unrelated to the age or grade of the student, but reflects the level at which the student is currently performing. This score represents a student’s achievement level at any given moment and helps measure their academic growth over time. The RIT scale is a stable scale, like feet and inches, that accurately measures student performance, regardless of age, grades, or grade level. Like marking height on a growth chart and being able to see how tall a child is at various points in time, you can also see how much they have grown between tests.
  4. How often will my child take MAP Growth?
    • At B.F. Day, we give the MAP assessment three times per school year: beginning, middle, and end. Teachers are given a testing window. Each teacher schedules the reading and math MAP assessments at a time that works well for their classroom. Most students take around 30 minutes to complete a MAP test. However, MAP is not timed, and students may take as much time as they need to complete it.
  5. How is MAP similar and different from the Smarter Balanced Assessment?
    • The Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) in grades 3-5 is designed to measure what students already know, based on what is expected at their grade level. It is used as a way to measure grade-level proficiency. MAP Growth is designed to measure student achievement in the moment and growth over time, regardless of grade level. It’s important to note that both MAP and SBA are adaptive assessments.Another difference is the timeliness of the results. Washington state often returns information in the fall after the state summative test is taken, MAP gives quick feedback to teachers, administrators, students, and families. Teachers receive immediate results wit MAP that show how each student is performing and where there might be common learning opportunities for the class. Another similarity is that MAP aligns to the same standards as the state test, so both measure similar content.
  6. Where can I view my child’s MAP scores?
    • On the Source.
  7. How can I help my child prepare for MAP assessment?
    • Your child’s teacher will help with any pre-test instructions to explain the test to the students. Just like on any school day, make sure your child is well-rested and fed. Encourage them to do their best.


POPCORN FRIDAYS! Back again is the ever-popular popcorn fundraiser for 5th grade overnight field trip.Popcorn sales will happen after school TODAY Friday, Jan 31, as well February 7, 28, and March 7. Cash (1$/bag) and school pay will be accepted.

Book Club: We are meeting at Jellyfish brewery on Tuesday February 4 at 7pm to discuss Demon Copperhead and choose our next books! All are invited.

Virtual Bake Sale for 5th Graders! Sweeten your day AND support our amazing 5th graders NatureBridge overnight field trip!

Online Sale: 1/31/25 – 2/7/25; Pick up your baked goodies on 2/13/25 on the playground! Plus, there may be additional delicious treats available for purchase IN PERSON! Don’t miss out—order your treats online and support our 5th grade fundraiser!

PTSA 2025-2026 Budget Priorities: Budgeting for the next school year will soon be underway. The PTSA board would like to hear from B.F. Day families about their other priorities. To share your input, please complete this survey before February 21st. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughtfulness by letting us know what is important to you and your family for the 2025/2026 school year!

Welcome Laura Rose Murphy, B.F. Day’s New PTSA Neurodiversity & Disability Liaison!

We are pleased to introduce Laura Rose Murphy, who has joined the PTSA as our Neurodiversity & Disability Liaison! Laura Rose brings passion, experience, and an ever- growing understanding of what it means to support a thriving and inclusive community. 

Here’s a message from Laura Rose herself: Hello! I’m Laura Rose! That’s my first name – it has two words! As a mom to a wonderfully neurodivergent kid who started at BF Day in first grade this year, I understand the uniqueness of raising and supporting a child with special needs and the challenges we often face as caregivers in advocating for our children so that they can succeed and thrive.As your Neurodiversity and Disability Liaison for our PTSA, I aim to increase awareness, understanding, and support of neurodivergence and special needs for our entire school community. My goal is to foster a safe space for families and students who participate in special education and/or are (or may be) neurodivergent, to connect, and to establish a community of support. I aim to be a resource! I don’t have all the answers, but generally have a good idea of where to start looking. Please feel free to reach me at

To do this work, I need to hear from caregivers of students who identify as or are affected by neurodivergence and/or disability. If this is you, please take a few moments to fill out the google form on the emailed Dayette, where you can opt in to be told about various resources and opportunities, connect with other families of kids with special needs, or just give me a piece of your mind!

B.F. Day Family Movie Night Fundraiser: Join us for a fun-filled evening to support the 5th Graders! Date: Feb 28, Start Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: Ballard VFW – 2812 NW Market St. $10 Suggested Donation per Ticket | Concessions will be available, so bring a little cash for snacks! Important: This is not a drop-off event, so come enjoy the movie with your family and connect with others from our “Family School”!

National School Counseling & Career Week

On February 3-7 B.F. Day will celebrate National School Counseling Week! Thank you to the PTSA for their ongoing support of school counseling. B.F. Day is proud to have a full- time school counselor and is the first school in Seattle Public Schools to achieve RAMP (Recognized ASCA Model Program) status through the American School Counselor Association (ASCA). In July of 2024, B.F. Day was one of 60 elementary schools nationally to be recognized with RAMP designation at the annual ASCA conference. B.F. Day is one of five schools in Washington state designated as a “RAMP School.” Join us in celebrating our school counselors, Mr. Taylor and Ms. Mara, on February 3-7.

At B.F. Day, we celebrate National School Counseling Week as Career Week. During Career Week, our fourth and fifth grade students will listen to guest speakers discuss their pathway to their career, obstacles they overcame, responsibilities of their career, and take questions from the students. In all, we will have 20 speakers presenting to our fourth and fifth graders. Throughout the week, students will be engaging with college and career readiness skills. This year, our kindergarten – third grade students will also participate in Career Week! Four speakers will share about their careers with our youngest students. Thank you to all of our volunteers that are supporting Career Week this year! Learn about the speakers on the B.F. Day emailed Dayette on Jan. 24 or the PDF on the B.F Day Family FB.

Math Night Resources

Thank you for the great turnout yesterday at our parent math night! These are some resources that were shared at the math night. These are valuable resources for all parents to utilize to support their mathematicians at home! Resources are available on the B.F. Day emailed Dayette on Jan. 24 or the PDF on the B.F Day Family FB.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement at School

Seattle School Board Resolution No. 2016/17-12 sets forth the District’s stance on this issue and affirms our provision of safe, welcoming, and inclusive schools for all students without regard to race, religion, national origin, or immigration status. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued guidance in October 2021 stating that, to the fullest extent possible, immigration enforcement actions should not take place at or near “protected areas” such as schools. Consistent with this current standard, SPS Superintendent Procedure 4310SP, Relations with Law Enforcement, Child Protective Agencies, and the County Health Department, clarifies that ICE enforcement actions should not occur at schools or school bus stops.

There are two limited exceptions:

1. Judicial warrants: An immigration official seeking access to a student at school must present a valid judicial warrant. Superintendent Procedure 4310SP requires the General Counsel’s office to review the judicial warrant before a school grants access to an immigration official. To the greatest extent possible, these enforcement actions should be taken in a non-public area and should be otherwise conducted to eliminate or at least minimize the chance that the enforcement action will restrain people from accessing the school.

2. Exigent circumstances: Immigration officials may also take enforcement actions at schools without a warrant if exigent (emergency) circumstances exist. Some examples of these rare circumstances include: a national security threat; an immin

Hello From the Art Studio

Art is alive at B.F. Day in 2025! The last two weeks students have explored the yearly celebration of the Lunar new year. We explored the rich cultural history of traditional celebrations and made art that is symbolic of this. Students created patterned snakes and lanterns that have turned out beautifully. We are moving into our air dry clay unit. As we still wait for the kiln issues to be sorted, students will be creating 3D works of art that while they are not as permanent as clay from the kiln, will be giving them the hand building basics!

Things coming down the line:

  • Black Excellence will be celebrated in the art room as well as a display we will be working on in the halls. This until will explore various artists throughout history and from across the globe that exemplify black excellence. We will also be throwing in some music and movement explorations in the mix!
  • 5th Grade Rights of Passage Project. This has traditionally been done with glaze on ceramic tiles. This year we will be doing personalized rock paintings that will be implemented into a mosaic that will be installed in the cafeteria. 5th graders have been looking at the rich history of mosaics. From there the brainstorming began and this was the project that we developed as a group. We are all super excited to start this project that will be happening over the next several months!

As always please feel free to stop by the art room and see what we are up to!

Yours in Art, Mrs. Hall

Library News

Librarian emoji holding book

Global Reading Challenge
In School Competition Feb. 11

Our Global Reading Challenge for 4th and 5th graders has gotten off to a great start! Over the next month we will practice trivia questions weekly in preparation for our competition on February 11. This is a highly motivated, engaged group of students! If you have a lunch break available, come help quiz teams on Thursdays! To read more about this program visit the Seattle Public Library.

Rocket. Text: Global Reading Challenge Logo

To make our practices successful we need 3-4 parent volunteers to help quiz our teams.Check out this sign up if you have the availability to participate. You will need to be a cleared volunteer to attend as you’ll be directly working with students. Thank you in advance for your support! It makes a huge difference! View the Global Reading Volunteer Sign Up

We’re growing our nonfiction collection with high-interest and well-reviewed books! If you’d like to contribute, check out the January wish list here! If you’d like to contribute check it out on Amazon

Grades K-2

Students in grades K-2 have been learning about the Caldecott medal awarded yearly for the best children’s picture book. Ask your student how it gets chosen! Students in grades 3-5 read the highly relevant nonfiction book They Hold the Line, a book exploring wildfires, how they are fought, and their effect on the environment. Ask your student what they learned about fighting wildfires!

Levy Information

Two Levies Up for Renewal

Two levies will be on the February 2025 ballot: renewal of the Educational Programs and Operations Levy (EP&O) and renewal of the Building Excellence Capital Levy (BEX VI). Ballots must be postmarked by Feb. 11, 2025, or placed in a ballot dropbox before 8 p.m. on that date. Visit the SPS Website for complete information

Notes from the Music Room

Leading into Black History Month, The Rhapsody Project will be engaging in a four-week residency with fourth graders at B.F. Day to teach them about the living traditions of blues music and highlighting the ways in which Black culture is an essential part of the heritage of every American. In addition to playing and writing blues songs with students, The Rhapsody Project’s teaching artists will be encouraging each student to talk in depth with their families and community leaders about the layers of their heritage. Learn more about how to connect with The Rhapsody Project by visiting the Rhapsody Project website. And following the organization on Instagram: @therhapsodyproject

News from the Library

Librarian emoji holding book

Happy New Year! We are back to a great start in the library. We’ve spent this week reviewing procedures and library vocabulary as well as enjoying cozy winter books.

For winter quarter, students will be exploring the following:

  • PreK-1: choosing just-right books, identifying nonfiction areas of interest, all about facts, making predictions, book medals
  • 2/3: alphabetizing and shelf order, what is a call number, using Destiny Discover, types of nonfiction
  • 4/5: digital citizenship, evaluating online information, nonfiction shelf sequence, narrative nonfiction, Global Reading Challenge

We will continue talking about developing a “balanced reading diet.” There are benefits to reading all kinds of literature to grow our brains in different ways. This month’s library wish list focuses on high-interest, engaging nonfiction to help students with this goal. 

Global Reading Challenge

Rocket. Text: Global Reading Challenge Logo

Next week begins our Global Reading Challenge team practice. Students in 4th and 5th grade who have chosen to participate will be put into teams of seven to answer questions about eight different books. We will practice weekly on Thursdays during lunch/recess. Our in- school competition will take place Tuesday, February 11. Students began reading the books all the way back in November and are SO excited to get started! We love Global Reading Challenge at B.F. Day! To read more about this program visit the Seattle Public Library.

To make our practices successful we need 3-4 parent volunteers to help quiz our teams.Check out this sign up if you have the availability to participate. You will need to be a cleared volunteer to attend as you’ll be directly working with students. Thank you in advance for your support! It makes a huge difference!

Looking for Gently Used Donations

Our Special Education team is looking for gently used donations. We’re creating a small break space for K-1students and are looking for the following items… -individual trampoline with handlebar -play kitchen and pretend food – gently used toys like Hot Wheels; puppets; fidget items; etc. -comfortable seating, like a bean bag Do you have a donation pile going at home that has these items? If so, please email Dr. Zisko ( We’d love to consider them for our student break space!

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John Taylor

National School Counseling & Career Resources

Counseling & Career Week.
B.F. Day Hallway with Posters Hanging

Dragon Dens April 24

Mark your calendars so students don\'t miss Dragon Dens from 1:15 - 2:10 p.m.
Box with cans of food.

PTSA Food Drive Thank You!

Donate to support FamilyWorks Wallingford.