Benjamin Franklin Day Elementary

B.F. Day

B.F. Day Earns Prestigious Counseling Recognition

Summary: Congratulations!


Hello B.F. Day Community

RAMP Recognized ASCA Model Program Logo

March 2024: Earlier this week, our school counseling program at B.F. Day was Recognized for a Comprehensive American School Counseling Program (RAMP). This recognition is awarded to programs that exhibit evidence of how each student received academic, social/emotional, and career development. One of the components of the RAMP application is showing how students benefited from our school counseling program.

For the application, we showed how four academic lessons in fourth grade (academic anxiety, organization, time management, and academic mindfulness) raised student scores on unit tests. In addition to raising their test scores, students also reported increased knowledge of their own academic anxieties, helpful strategies to cope with those anxious feelings, and an understanding of the intersection between organization and time. This brings to light how social-emotional learning works alongside academic confidence and achievement. I want to say thank you for all the support and recognition. Our school community has provided me with an opportunity to be at B.F. Day full-time for the past 8 years! Without the ongoing support and funding for my position, this kind of honor would not be possible. This recognition is a celebration for all of us. Together, we’ve done great work in supporting the social-emotional wellness of our students. 

Thank you,
John Taylor MA Ed.

B.F. Day School Counselor

B.F. Day Earns Prestigious Counseling Recognition

John Taylor

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) announced B.F. Day as a Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP). The school is the first in the district to achieve the designation.

The RAMP designation recognizes schools that are committed to delivering an exemplary school counseling program. Honorees are awarded for aligning their program with the criteria in the ASCA National Model, a framework for a data-informed school counseling program.  

B.F. Day Principal Natalie Zisko expressed her admiration for the school’s counselor, John Taylor. 

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