Volunteer at B.F. Day

We love volunteers! Please remember to complete the SPS volunteer background check prior to volunteering on campus this year. Volunteers need to renew background checks every two years. If you think you’re going to volunteer this year, chaperoning a field trip, please complete the SPS background check process.
It takes two weeks to clear volunteer applications. We encourage all potential volunteers to do this now so they are clear for the year and don’t have to worry about completing it before an event.
The staff at B.F. Day considers parents, guardians and community volunteers to be very special resources. Parents, guardians and others are encouraged to help in all classrooms, programs, and extracurricular activities. If you have time and skills you can donate, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@bfdayptsa.org or call the school office at 206-252-6010.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Check back often for volunteer needs at our school!
Some Examples from Previous Years
The Learning Resource Center (Library)
The Learning Resource Center is used daily by students and adults.

Playground Supervision
Parents, guardians and people from the community are encouraged to help us supervise children during the morning and afternoon recess periods.
Special events, field trips and classroom activities
Throughout the school year there are many opportunities to involve volunteers in extracurricular activities.
Mentors & Tutors
Students benefit greatly from the personalized attention of a mentor or tutor. We welcome those of you who would like to be a special friend to a student or someone who can assist children in class assignments.

Reading & Math Helpers
Reading and Math helpers are needed in each classroom to work 1-on-1 with students.
Special Expertise
If you have a talent or an area of expertise you can share with us, please do! We could use volunteer assistance in our office, with students, on the grounds, and on everything from mechanical to health and nutrition matters.

Computer Lab
Each classroom visits the computer lab weekly with the help of parents and volunteers.
Community Partners
Many businesses such as Fremont Dock Co., Marketime Foods, Dr. Martin Cahn, Hales Ales, Fremont Rotary, Fremont Chamber of Commerce, PCC Fremont, the UPS Store in Fremont, Google, Starbucks @ Ballard Fred Meyer, Ballard Fred Meyer, Tutta Bella (Wallingford), Display and Costume, Metropolitan Market (Queen Anne), and Frame Up help B.F. Day by providing goods, services, and volunteers.
Please contact the Main Office 206-252-6010 to learn more about volunteering or the PTSA volunteer coordinator at volunteer@bfdayptsa.org.
Technology Training
Teacher training: We welcome volunteers who can provide group training to teachers, or be an individual mentor to help teachers gain additional technology skills in: Windows 2000, Microsoft Office Suite XP, Adobe Photoshop and Pagemaker, the Internet, basic troubleshooting skills, or multimedia.
Hardware, network, and web site support: People with basic and advanced technology skills are needed to support technology and troubleshoot at B.F. Day.
People with no computers skills are welcome and we will train you as you go!
Bench Project – Can you help?

Did you know that we are working on creating a quiet recess space in the tree-lined space adjacent to the lower playground? Our vision is that students will have a space to retreat for book reading, quiet games, or just friendly conversation at recess. Our first project in that space will be a bench dedicated to former B.F. Day Principal, Mr. Jaskot. Mrs. P, our librarian and lower elementary reading teacher, has graciously been leading this project and getting all the necessary district and city approvals. The B.F. Day PTSA has purchased the bench.
We need the community’s help! We’re looking for a licensed contractor that is willing to oversee laying a concrete slab for the bench and installing the bench on the slab. Are you a licensed contractor that can help with the project? Do you have a family friend that’s a licensed contractor that is willing to donate their time? If so, please email nlzisko@seattleschools.org and jlpapineau@seattleschools.org. Thank you!
PTSA Overview
The B.F. Day Elementary School PTSA is an active fund-raising and morale-building coalition composed of B.F. Day staff members and parents, legal guardians and students. Please visit the B.F. Day PTSA website to learn more. Contact: The PTSA Volunteer Coordinator if you are able to volunteer or would like more information, volunteer@bfdayptsa.org
How to Apply to Volunteer with Seattle Public Schools
Why Volunteer in Your Child’s School?
- Higher grades, test scores, and graduation rates
- Better attendance
- Increased motivation & self-esteem
Checklist for New Volunteers
Visit our volunteer website to:
- Review volunteer handbook
- Complete online training
- Apply securely online
- Background check required
Questions? Contact your school office or visit the SPS Volunteer page to learn more.
Additional Steps for Certain Volunteer Roles
The following volunteer roles require a national background check, regardless of how long the volunteer has resided in Washington:
- Unsupervised volunteers who work with children regularly (including remote/virtual volunteers).
- Volunteers chaperoning overnight field trips longer than three days.
- Volunteers involved in any sports or gym activities coordinated by the school (for Athletics see *).
If situations 2 or 3 apply to you, visit the volunteer website to learn more.
* Important: Athletic coaches must apply via the SPS Athletics Department.
Sports Safety
All gym and sports volunteers must be current on CPR, First Aid, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and Concussion Courses.
Field Trips
Field trip volunteers supervise students. Once approved to volunteer, request additional forms from the field trip organizer to review and acknowledge your important responsibilities.
Keeping Students Safe
Child Abuse Prevention
Nationally, one in four girls and one in six boys are sexually abused before age 18. Volunteers help to protect children by learning to recognize and report potential abuse.
At SPS, each volunteer completes an online Sexual Misconduct Prevention training before start of their service.
Criminal Background Check
- If you have lived in Washington State for the past three (3) years, SPS will complete your state background check at no cost to you.
- If you came to Washington from another state in the past three years, you will need to purchase a one-time national background check.
New or newly returned to the U.S.?
Visit the SPS Volunteer page for more information.
Why is there a fee for out-of-state background checks?
Unlike our state, the federal government does not provide schools with free screening tools. SPS selected a vendor to offer secure, affordable background checks for the volunteers who need them ($21 in most cases).
Frequently Asked Questions
I completed an online application last year. Do I have to reapply this year?
Your online application is on file so please do not create a new application. On your second volunteer anniversary, you will receive an email with login instructions to renew your application.
Can I use my smart phone to apply?
Our online volunteer application is smart-phone friendly.
Thank you for helping create safe schools, and for your generous donation of time and talent!